
The founders of UDFA believe that ALL digital forensic practitioners have a common goal: seeking the truth. We believe the truth can only be found by sharing ideas and information. UDFA was created to bring vast, disparate ideas into a common indexable location so practitioners can research topics and ideas when seeking the truth. The UDFA is a community of practitioners from all digital data disciplines.

The United Digital Forensic Association (UDFA) was created by digital forensic analyst’s and examiners for DIGITAL forensic examiners. Started in 2023, the goal of UDFA was to create a space where digital forensic analyst can meet, corroborate, question, respond, and share. There are numerous other investigative groups and associations, but none are geared towards the Digital Forensic area of study. Here at UDFA, we utilize a network of forensic analyst from all over the Globe, both private sector, law enforcement, and corporate entities.